Our Constitution
We are currently working on reviewing and updating our constitution – below is the constitution from last year.
The Society shall be called “Bangor University Postgraduate Students’ Society” hereinafter called the society.
Offer opportunities for involvement to members.
- To maintain a responsible, positive and inclusive environment for all.
- To be sustainable and well managed.
- To maintain best practice and behaviour at all times.
- To provide social and extra-curricular activities for all postgraduate students at Bangor University and to support the provision of these in conjunction with the University and Students’ Union
- To provide and promote academic events for postgraduate students, and to support the provision of these in conjunction with the University and Students’ Union
- To support the Students’ Union in its work as the representative voice for postgraduate students at Bangor University.
- All registered taught and research postgraduate students at Bangor University, including those currently in their write-up period.
- Any postgraduate student who does not wish to be a member of the society may opt out of membership by emailing the Chair of the society.
- Members may be defined as Ordinary members (Registered Postgraduate Students at Bangor University) or Affiliate members (Persons who are not Ordinary Members).
- Affiliate members must not exceed 30% of the society’s membership.
- The membership shall agree to support and accept the objectives of the society.
- In accepting membership, a person agrees to abide by the constitution and the rulings of the society in addition to the rulings of the society committee.
- Membership fees are not to be charged. Any fees that may arise as a result of activity shall be stipulated at the society Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Society Committee
Shall be comprised of the following elected officers:
- Chairperson
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Social Secretary
- Academic Officer
- Publicity Officer
- The Postgraduate Research and Postgraduate Taught Senators of Bangor Students’ Union shall sit on the committee ex officio
- The Postgraduate Representative of the UMCB Committee shall sit on the committee ex officio
- To manage the society.
- To consider applications for affiliate membership and decide if these applications should be accepted. This decision shall be in accordance with the policy specified in 3.
- To decide what equipment /property is to be bought by the society.
- Shall be responsible for all property owned by the society.
To maintain links with The Students’ Union and manage the compulsory administrative aspects to include:
- Risk Assessment- Review annually in conjunction with SU staff.
- Constitution- Review annually in conjunction with SU staff.
- Health and Safety Policy- Review annually with SU staff.
- Grant Form- Review annually in conjunction with SU staff.
- Membership list- Review each semester in conjunction with SU staff.
- Medical conditions- Review each member and submit to SU Staff.
Other documentation as requested from time to time.
Officers of the Society Committee
The Society Chairperson, shall be responsible for:
- Chairing all General Meetings of the society and all meetings of the society committee.
- Guiding the activities of the society as expressed by the majority of its members.
- Reporting on the work of the society committee to the AGM.
- Preparing the grant application, with the Treasurer, to be presented to the C & S Development Co-ordinator at the required time.
The Secretary, shall be responsible for:
- Organising all General Meetings of the society and all meetings of the society committee.
- Taking minutes at all society meetings and archiving them.
- Ensure all financial committee decisions are minuted.
The Treasurer, shall be responsible for:
- Keeping a record of all income and expenditure.
- Lodging all society monies with the Students’ Union Finance Office.
- Purchases agreed by the committee but shall have the power to reject expenditure from the society account.
- Signing off all society expenditure in line with Students Union Finance procedures.
- Presenting a financial report to the AGM showing the financial state of the society.
- Preparing the grant application, with the Chair, to be presented to the C & S Development Co-ordinator at the required time.
The Social Secretary, shall be responsible for:
- Shall be responsible for the coordination and to support all social events organised by the society
- Shall work alongside the University and Students’ Union in the provision and promotion of events relevant to postgraduate students
The Academic Officer, shall be responsible for:
- Shall be responsible for the coordination and to support all academic events organised by the society
- Shall work alongside the University and Students’ Union in the provision and promotion of events relevant to postgraduate students
The Welsh Liaison Officer, shall be responsible for:
- Shall ensure that the PGSF enables the participation of Welsh speakers and includes Welsh language and culture within its considerations.
The Publicity Officer, shall be responsible for:
- Shall support the committee as whole in publicising the work of the society
The Postgraduate Research and Postgraduate Taught Senators of Bangor Students’ Union, shall be responsible for:
- Shall act as the main point of contact, in conjunction with the Chair, between the Society and the Union in relation to postgraduate students
- Shall provide regular updates on issues relevant to the representation of postgraduate students, both locally and nationally
Election of Officers
- Officers shall be elected annually at the AGM and hold post for one year.
- Nomination forms shall be available from the Secretary 7 days before the AGM.
- Each officer shall be elected by simple majority.
- Apologies for meetings must be sent to the Secretary.
- All members shall be entitled to vote and shall have equal voting rights.
- The Chair of the meeting shall have the casting vote in the event of a tie.
Annual General Meeting
- The society AGM shall be held every year during April.